Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



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Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

96 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Ukrainian folk tale, in which one accusative form is clearly marked as a
genitive (воза from N.jg. віз):
Візьми воза, сани й човен/човна. Таке a waggon, sleigh, and boat.
In the singular only masculine animates are marked for animacy; note that
this marker is the same as the genitive singular ending, and it will occur with
both parts of a noun pair, as in the last example cited. In the plural, however,
animacy is marked for all living (animate) beings, be they male, female, or
animal. Nouns can be of all three genders, including a few common neuters;
the ending is that of the genitive plural. Compare the following plural
animate examples (given in the singular as well as the plural):
Знаю хлопця - знаю хлопців. І know a/the boy/boys.
Знаю дівчину - знаю дівчат. І know a/the girl/girls.
Знаю дівчатко - знаю дівчаток. І know a/the girl/girls.
These constructions are naturally dependent on the function of the particular
verb in question; as verbs can require the use of other cases as well, we return
to this syntactic point in our discussion of the use of the verb (see 6.4). One
further pattern to note is the use of the accusative (clearly evident only
among animate direct objects) in 'passive' constructions involving the past
passive participle of the verb, something that is unexpected from a
grammatical point of view, as a passive implies the lack of a direct object; this is a
function of the verb, however, and is examined in the context of the
appropriate participles in 6.4.4.
ACCUSATIVES IN TIME EXPRESSIONS The accusative is used in expression not
of 'time when' (compare the genitive below), but 'time during'; an entire
phrase is said to be in the accusative, although this is not always apparent as a
masculine inanimate noun, with its modifier(s), will appear to be in the
Цілий тиждень він працював. Не worked (for, during) the entire
Цілий рік... ... the whole year.
Цілий місяць ... ... the entire month.
Цілий день ... ... the entire day.
The modifier can be left out here, losing the sense 'entire', but the unit of time
will still be in the accusative on its own. Compare these constructions with the
following, containing a feminine noun, in which the accusative is plainly
Кожну хвилину ... Every moment/minute, continually . ..
Перемовчати хвилину. То be silent (for) a minute/moment.
Якусь хвилину ... For a certain/short length of time .. .
Всю ніч ... ... all night.

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