Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

The noun 103
Хатинка разом і світлом-огнем освіщається, і димом сповняється.
(Марко Вовчок)
The little cottage all at once is illuminated by a fiery light (lit. 'light-fire'),
and is filled with smoke. (Note particularly that modern Ukrainian
prefers вогонь for огонь 'fire'.)
Ранки покривають усе рясними та холодними росами. (Ю. Збанацький)
The mornings cover all with (a) thick and cold dew (here in the plural).
Кожний її рух наллятий чавунною вагою. (О. Донченко)
Her every movement (was) filled with (lit.) 'the weight of iron' (i.e. she
moved with great difficulty/slowness of speed).
Листівки . . . кожна з яких починалася закликом «... ». (В. Соснін)
Leaflets .. . each of which began with the appeal'...'.
'BY' (AGENTIVE INSTRUMENTAL) The agent of an action, crucial for passive
constructions, is expressed by means of the instrumental case (X was done
стаття, написана професором an article written by the professor
закон, затверджений міністром the law, approved by the minister
слова, забуті хлопцем the words, forgotten by the boy
Passive constructions are rare in spoken Ukrainian, but do occur in the
literary language. Other ways of expressing the passive, without the use of the
instrumental, are described in 6.4.4.
MOVEMENT 'THROUGH/ACROSS' SPACE The instrumental on its own is
frequently used with nouns indicating places across, along, or through which
motion is taking place:
ходити лісом to walk through a forest
бігати полями to run across (the) fields
іти/їхати дорогою до ... to walk/ride along the road to ...
Ледве помітною стежкою ... ішла A girl walked along a scarcely
дівчинка. (О. Донченко) perceptible forest path.
TIME EXPRESSIONS A number of prepositionless time expressions
(functioning adverbially) involve the instrumental case; while some still feel like
instrumental noun forms to Ukrainian speakers, others are distinctly
adverbial. Conceptually some of these constructions are close to the
expressions of motion through space, as they can mean 'during time X' rather than
simply 'at time X':
зимою in the winter (of X year, or by itself)
весною in the spring (of X year, or by itself)
літом in the summer (of X year, or by itself)
часом, часами at times, sometimes

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