104 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar давніми часами тим часом ранком вечером ніччю ночами цими днями in the old(en) days meanwhile (lit. 'during that time') in the morning in the evening at night, in the night nights, for (many) nights during those days Some Ukrainian informants see a number of these forms as having entered the language under the influence of Russian; nevertheless, they are provided as forms that are encountered. There are other variants for many of these adverbialized instrumentals, which are described in Chapter 7 (7.2, but see especially 7.3 for time expressions as a whole). INSTRUMENTAL OF MANNER A widely used construction is one that we might call the instrumental of 'manner': this is a construction which describes, sometimes comparing or equating a subject X with another noun; it answers such questions as 'how?', 'in what manner?', 'like/as a what?': говорити ніжним голосом Сонце ... припікало косим промінням, дивитися вовком летіти стрілою Он жовтими пушинками вже плавають на чистім плесі каченята дикі. Злива звалилася йому на плечі холодною масою води. Серце озивається до нього радісним трепетом. to speak in/with a soft voice The sun was scorching hot (with its) slanting rays. (Н-Л) to look angrily (at) (lit. 'to look as a wolf) to fly as (straight as an) arrow There, (as/in) little yellow tufts, the wild little ducklings already swim on the clear surface of the river. (Л.У.) The torrential rain fell on his shoulders in/as a cold mass of water. (О. Донченко) (His) heart answers him with (a) joyful trembling. (О. Донченко) It is also possible for nouns or noun phrases to appear in a particular case (and this might be any case) with no verb present; in such instances the case may actually be dependent on a verb or preposition in a previous sentence: an author may choose to end a sentence by means of a full stop while carrying over the thought of the previous sentence, as one would do in the spoken language, with the full stop reflecting a speaker's pause or hesitation. Thus, in the following example: Льоня Ушаков - геологом, Стьопа Кучеренко - моряком, Валя Чайка медсестрою ... (Д.Ткач) Lyonya Ushakov - a geologist, Styopa Kucherenko - a sailor, Valya Chayka - a nurse ...