112 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar повз (dial, поз, поуз) 'by', 'past', 'along'; more rarely with the G. than with the A. (see повз пшениці густої past the dense wheat (growing in the fields) (Ковінька, cited in SUM, more common now with the A. See попри 'in spite of, 'contrary to', 'in addition to'/'besides' (see on A., on L.) Попри сили, була в ньому й In addition to strength, there was also доброта. kindness in him. The remaining prepositions occur with I. and A. in addition to G.; all of the following occur more rarely with the G. than with the I. and A., however (see on I., A.): між (rarely: межи, меж) 'between', 'among', this form and: між веселих людей among cheerful people між гір between the mountains (more often: між горами) поміж (помежи) 'among', 'between' поміж моряків among the seamen поміж дівчат була мовчанка. (lit. 'There was silence among the girls.') поперед temporally or spatially before something or someone Поперед Анни йшов її знайомий. (lit. 'Ahead (in front) of Anna was walking her acquaintance.') проміж (промежи) 'among', 'between' (sometimes in contexts indicating 'motion to' a place) проміж робітників among the workers Ліг спати проміж двох собак. Не lay down to sleep between two dogs. Prepositions governing the accusative крізь 'by', 'through' Ми пройшли крізь ліс. We walked through the forest. крізь усе життя through (one's) entire life Крізь шум почулися голоси. Through the noise one could hear voices. про 'about', 'concerning', 'for' Він співав про дитину. Не was singing about the child. Знайдеться робота про Івана? lit. Will there be work (found) for Ivan? (colloq.) про всяку пригоду (in preparation) for any eventuality