The noun 113 через 'across', 'through', 'over', 'by means of, 'in'/'after' (time), 'because of їхали через усе село. Вона сиділа через стіл. Вони говорили через перекладача. Усього досягнеш через працю. через тиждень через ціле життя через Бориса загинув дідусь. They rode through the whole village. She sat across the table (from . . .). They spoke through an interpreter. You (will, can) attain everything by means of (hard) work. In/after a week('s time) (one's) whole life through Grandfather perished because of Borys. PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE ACCUSATIVE IN ADDITION TO OTHER CASES Note that без + A. is possible in dialect but not in literary usage; the constructions with о below are considered generally archaic by native informants, but are included here as they can be encountered in older Ukrainian literature. о 'about', 'on', 'at', 'upon', 'over', 'for' о цю пору О воду просить. Склянка розбилася о камінь. о пів на п'яту о три роки молодший at about/during that time (approximation) He/she is asking for water, (rare, SUM) The glass broke (apart) on/against the rock, (archaic, SUM) at half past four younger by three years (dial., SUM) (but preferable: на три роки) об (rare, archaic) 'concerning', 'about', 'on', 'against' (at times preceding entry) o, see об цю пору стукати об стіну обпертися об стіну Його взяла об руку. at/during that time rap on the wall lean against the wall (for support). She took him by the hand, (rare) no 'up to', 'as far as', 'down to' (motion implied), 'along', 'each' (distributive meaning) по той бік іти по лікаря іти по молоко сніг по коліна по п'ять разів along that side (indicates motion or location of action, usually with words such as бік, сторона) to go for the doctor to go for the milk the snow (is) up to the knees five times (each)