The noun 115 наперекір 'in spite of, 'contrary to' наперекір усім труднощам in spite of all the difficulties наперекір її бажанням contrary to her wishes PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE DATIVE IN ADDITION TO OTHER CASES По is cited by some sources as a preposition + D. used to express 'according to', for example in по-мбсму 'in my opinion'; such a construction ought instead to be considered a frozen expression, i.e. thought of as an adverb rather than as a viable preposition (it can be used in the speech of Ukrainians under the influence of the Russian language, in which it is employed in contexts expressed by other means or cases in Ukrainian). See on no + L., on no + A. Prepositions governing the locative There is only one such preposition, but it is extremely important and widely used. Some of the examples below show just how difficult it is to translate into English; the reader is advised to assimilate sample patterns and not to rely too heavily on English equivalents. при 'beside', 'by', 'at', 'in the presence of (spatially and temporally), 'during' при вході до кімнати при самому Дністрі при нашому інституті є кафедра ... при заході сонця при початку XX ст. при Ользі Він прибув у формі при всіх орденах. Хай бог її держить при здоров'ї. При здоров'ї він мав такі сили. При мізерному лиці брата, Івасько здавався щасливим та здоровим. Він живе при матері, бути при смерті by/at the entrance to the room (right) by/along the river Dniester at our institute there is a department of... at (the time of) sunset at the beginning of the twentieth century at/during the time of Ol'ha He arrived in (his) uniform (with) all of his medals/orders. May God keep her in (good) health. (Л.У.) When he was healthy, he had such strength(s). (Given/in the presence of) the miserable/sickly face of his brother, Ivas'ko appeared happy and healthy. He lives with his mother (in her presence). To be on the verge of death.