116 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE LOCATIVE IN ADDITION TO OTHER CASES Of the following prepositions, на and в (у) are by far the most common, as they are used in a wide variety of contexts, most of which are temporal and spatial. It is the spatial constructions in particular that make their joint presentation with the L. and A. necessary: use with the L. commonly expresses location 'in', 'on', 'at', while the corresponding use with the A. expresses motion to that location (in addition to до + G.). SPATIAL CONSTRUCTIONS на + L. 'on', 'at' (a location), generally used with words denoting outdoor or uncovered locales, or surfaces of objects (e.g. street, floor, roof ... ); some words must simply be learnt as 'на' words, as English equivalents may require 'in'. бути на станції be at the station (implied: outdoor, platform) бути на вулиці be on the street бути на тротуарі be on the pavement бути на базарі be at the market, bazaar бути на морі be at the sea бути на чужині be in a foreign land на глибині 200 метрів at a depth of 200 metres на + A. 'to', 'onto' (a location); motion can also be figurative. їхати на станцію go to the station (implied: outdoor, platform) іти на вулицю go (out) onto the street іти на тротуар go onto the pavement іти на базар go to the market, bazaar їхати на море go to the sea їхати на чужину go to a foreign land у = в + L. 'in' (a location, situation, or state) бути в (у) кімнаті, хаті be in the room, cottage (house, hut) бути в Україні be in Ukraine бути в (у) журбі be in sorrow брати участь у святкуванні take part in the celebration (of...) у ролі Гамлета in the role of Hamlet сад у росі a garden in (covered with) dew драма в 4 діях a drama in four acts кричати bo гніві shout in anger (very elevated style) жити в дружбі live in friendship (harmoniously)