Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

118 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
OTHER CONSTRUCTIONS USING в and на. These two prepositions occur in
many contexts that are difficult to describe satisfactorily in a systematic way;
sources such as SUM do devise numerous sub-categories into which examples
can be made to fit, but these are in many cases artificial. Therefore we will
simply list their most common (non-temporal, non-spatial) occurrences.
в + L. and A. (including a number of set expressions):
в п яти кілометрах від...
у недузі лежати
віддати в найми
вийти в люди
у відповідь
поцілувати когось в руку
кімната у три вікна
у три рази більше
убивати комусь у жертву
на + L. and A.:
вірити на слово
попасти на очі комусь
попасти на слід ...
перекласти на англійську мову
бути на самоті
жити на картоплі
на пам'ять
на честь комусь
мука на хліб
на біса ...
поглядати на когось
на швидку руку
брати на себе
іти на ворога
на знак
мати на думці
лежати комусь на серці
(at a distance of) five kilometres from . .
be ill
rent out, lease something to
become somebody
in answer (to)
kiss someone on the hand
a room with three windows
three times as large
sacrifice to ... (lit. 'kill in/as a sacrifice
take (someone) at his word
come into someone's view
find/come upon the trail of.. .
translate into English
be in solitude
live on potatoes
as a memento (lit. 'for memory')
in honour of...
flour for (the making of) bread
to hell with ...
look at someone
in haste
to take upon oneself
go against the enemy
as a sign
to have/bear in mind
to be dear to someone (used of things,
The list of expressions with на could be much longer, but the examples here
suffice to give the learner an idea of its use. Many other contexts in which this
preposition can be found are cited in the better dictionaries, and of course it
occurs now as an integral part of many set phrases and sayings (some of the
examples cited in the list above fall into this category); it is advisable to make
note of individual usages as they are encountered in reading or in speech.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.