The noun 119 The last three prepositional sets involving the L. are по, о, об, and попри; of these prepositions no is the most common, and attention should be paid to its many varied uses (temporal, spatial, and relational): no + L. 'about', 'along', 'after', 'by', 'throughout', 'on' Жили по Дніпру. They lived along(side) the Dniepr. Вона ходила по кімнаті. She walked about/around the room. ударити по голові hit (someone) about/on the head по війні, обіді after the war, lunch по трьох роках after three years по теплій погоді (during, at the time of) warm weather (X action takes place) по ночах at nights (something regularly happens) година по годині hour after hour рік по році year after year пізнати по голосі recognize by (one's) voice Many other constructions of this kind (for example, товариш по школі 'school comrade', транслювати по радіо 'broadcast on/by radio') may be seen as Russianisms, or as due to the influence of Russian; they will be heard in the speech of a considerable number of Ukrainians, but will not necessarily be found in literary Ukrainian. Thus a construction like Вони прийшли по ділу 'They came on business' might be considered less Ukrainian than Прийшли у справі. о + L. 'at' (time on the clock); all other meanings with the L. are considered archaic or dialectal, e.g. 'about' (= 'concerning') but may be found in works of literature. о дев'ятій (годині) at nine o'clock о тій порі, коли at that time, when . . . (rarer) об + L. 'at approximate time when' or 'during', 'about', 'in physical proximity to' об 11 годині at about 11 o'clock об обіді at the time of, during lunch (rare) Було об Іллі. It was around the time of St Illya. (archaic, SUM) валянці об ногах felt boots about/on the feet (rare) попри + L. 'in the presence of (= при) попри особі нашого тетрарха in the presence of the person of our tetrarch (Л.У.)