The noun 121 за + I. 'by means of, 'through', 'after', 'at', 'by', 'on', 'for', 'outside', 'beyond' за обідом за кавою день за днем Батько бігає за дітьми. Черга за нами. за горами За роботою неможливо. за його прикладом Ми за нашим лідером! за редакцією Х-ого at lunch at (over, while having) coffee day after day Father runs after the children. It is our turn. (lit. 'The queue is after/behind us.') beyond the mountains Because of work it is impossible to . by (after) his example We are behind/follow our leader! under the editorship of X за + A. 'in the course of (time)', 'behind', 'beyond', 'after (temporally and spatially)', 'for', 'in exchange for', 'from', 'than' in comparative constructions (see Сісти за стіл. За дві години написав ... за розмовою За місяць приїде. Дякую за хліб. Я за правду. за батьківщину ... далеко за південь Вона була за шістдесят. за сто кілометрів від... питати, говорити за нього Мені страшно за Івана. Це я купив за 100,000 гривень. віддати дочку за когось уважати когось за генія Sit down at the table. During the course of two hours he wrote . . . during the conversation He/she will come in a month. Thank you for the bread. I am for the truth. for one's country (e.g. to give one's life) long (lit. 'far') after noon She was past sixty (in years), at a distance of 100 kilometres from . . . ask, speak about (lit. after) him 1 am afraid for Ivan. I bought that for 100,000 hryvni. give one's daughter (in marriage) to someone consider someone (to be), take as, a genius між (rarely: межи, меж) +1. 'among', 'between', 'amid' між Києвом і Одесою між горами між сином та батьком між солдатами Яка разниця між X та X? between Kyiv and Odessa in the middle of, amid the mountains between son and father among the soldiers What's the difference between X and X (where both X's are in the I.)?