Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

126 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
ветеринар, резервуар, санітар, and so on (ii) deverbal nouns whose root
contains the same sequence, such as пивовар 'brewer', < пиво + варити.
desubstantival: бондар 'cooper', шахтар 'miner', вівчар 'shepherd',
словникар = лексигограф 'lexicographer', книгар 'bookseller',
'stationer', цегляр 'brickmaker', бджоляр 'beekeeper', газетяр
'journalist', and so on.
deverbal: дзвонар 'bellringer', писар 'clerk', 'scribe', бунтар 'mutineer'.
deadjectival: крутар 'cheat', 'deceitful person' (= крутій)
-арка, -ярка see -ка below.
-а(та), -я(та) in desubstantival formations, denoting the young of animals
or small children. In the singular one individual is designated by the presence
of this suffix (-a), while the full suffix (plural -ата) is used to designate either
simple plurality or the category as a whole; in other words, it then becomes a
collective noun.
внук > внуча(та) 'little grandchild(ren)', гусь > гусеня(та) 'gosling(s)',
циган > циганча(та) 'little/young gipsy/gipsies', козеня(та) '(goat) kid(s)',
вовченя(та) 'wolf young', жереб'я(та) 'colt', and so on.
-атина, -ятина formed from some animal names to denote their meat; note
that this suffix is in turn derived from -а(та), -я(та) above. See also -ина below
for derivations based on non-derived nouns.
курятина chicken meat
гусятина goose meat
телятина veal
-ач Desubstantival (unproductive) and deadjectival (rarer) formations
refer to a person's activities or to the presence in that person of particular
traits or characteristics; deverbal forms are productive, and denote one who
performs the action in question, or an instrument used in that action.
desubstantival: трубач 'trumpeter', бородач 'bearded man', циркач 'circus
performer', головач 'one with a big head', силач 'wrestler', 'athlete' (lit.
'strongman'), горбач 'hunchback'.
deadjectival: багач 'wealthy man'.
deverbal: глядач 'spectator', викладач 'lecturer', ткач 'weaver', розвідач
'explorer', 'researcher', розповідач 'narrator', шукач 'searcher',
'investigator', вимикач 'electric switch', радіоприймач 'radio receiver'.
-(ь)ба realized either as -ьба or as mutated consonant + ба, more rarely
-оба. This is one suffix used (unproductively) to form new nouns from verbal
різьба 'carving', 'sculpture', служба 'service', стрільба 'firearm', дружба
'friendship', ходьба 'walking about', 'continual walking', боротьба 'fight',
'combat', жалоба 'sorrow', хвороба 'illness'.
-бищ(е): see -ищ(е) below.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.