128 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar deadjectival formations: водник 'a person working in the field of water transport', передовик 'guide', 'leader', харчовик 'one involved with food provisions', цілинник 'one who works virgin land', сезонник 'seasonal worker', стройовик 'one who serves in a military unit' (стройовий). -ин: see -анин, -янин above. -ина has several different functions in Ukrainian, all of which, when treated individually, are unproductive. These are formations, (1) from verbs indicating the result of an action, (2) from names of animals referring to their meat, (3) from adjectives denoting a state or condition, (4) from substances expressing one element thereof, (5) from nouns making new (somewhat) diminutive forms. (1) западина 'cavity', 'hollowness', пробоїна 'pothole', 'hole in the road', зарубина 'cut', 'incision'. (2) баранина 'mutton', свинина 'pork', козлина 'goat meat or skin'. (3) вишина 'height', 'altitude', глибина 'depth', рівнина 'level ground'. (4) горошина 'one pea', зернина 'one grain', картоплина (coll.) 'one potato'. (5) хатина 'little cottage', хустина 'kerchief. -иння occurs only in collective formations based on the names of plants, usually in reference to the leafy parts thereof: картоплиння 'leafy parts of a potato plant', бурячиння 'leaves of a beet plant'. See '-ССя' below on -ання, -ення. -иха is relatively unproductive, and is found in a small number of nouns (i) referring to the occupation of a woman (felt to be colloquial) or the wife of a man in the occupation in question and (ii) designating the female of animal species: ослиха 'she ass' (more commonly ослиця), слониха 'female elephant'. -иця has three main functions in Ukrainian, all of which are seen most commonly in desubstantival formations (some deadjectivals are possible as well): (1) to refer to female persons, the corresponding masculine forms of which have the suffix -ик; (2) rarely to refer to place or objects; (3) as a marker of a term of endearment or diminutive: (1) робітниця female worker, розумниця witty, clever woman. (2) гірчиця mustard, гнилиця wild pear, світлиця chamber, room. (3) сестриця little sister, водиця water. -ич, -іч occurs in a small number of masculine patronymics (compare -ович below) and in a few words indicating one's geographical provenance (for men only): (i) patronymics Ілліч 'son of Illya', Савич 'son of Sava'; (ii) костромич 'one from Kostroma', москвич 'one from Moscow'. -ищ-, including the compounds -бищ(е), -лищ(е), -овищ(е):