The noun 135 Note particularly that in words in which the stem-final consonant is p or a labial (lip) consonant, such as м, б, в, п, the suffix is still -я but it is separated from the preceding single consonant by an apostrophe (see Chapter 1): здоров'я 'health', межигір'я 'valley between mountains'. -яга is a colloquial marker of common gender nouns signifying (i) persons associated with the base form or (ii) the (over-) large size of the item in question, sometimes to be interpreted negatively; neither formation is very productive, and these forms will occur primarily in familiar speech: (і) бродяга 'wanderer', 'vagabond', добряга 'good-natured person'. (ii) вітряга (= вітрюга) 'powerful wind'. -ятина is unproductive; used in colloquial speech, this suffix occurs in deadjectival formations to refer to substances relating to the base form, usually with negative connotations: дохлятина 'carrion', кислятина 'something very sour', тухлятина 'something musty or rotten'. 2.5.2 PREFIXAL WORD FORMATION As in the case of suffixes, the presentation of prefixal elements used in word formation does not include prefixes borrowed from West European languages, as their meanings will be transparent to the reader (for example, a- 'not-' or 'un-', анти- 'anti-', архи- 'archi-', де-, дез- 'de-, des-', дис- 'dis-', контр- 'contra-', про- 'pro- (pro-communist), one who substitutes for another (pro-rector)', ультра- 'ultra-'). Most prefixes can occur word-formationally without the concomitant presence of suffixes; examples are cited first with prefixes only (wherever this is possible), then with a variety of suffixes as described in 2.5.1. The reader will note that many of these prefixes are in fact also prepositions. без- 'lacking something', 'without' (compare the preposition без). A great many of the formations involving без- also involve the presence of suffixes: desubstantival: безкрай 'endless space', безлад 'disorder', безлік, безліч 'multitude', безмір 'vastness', безпека 'safety', 'security', безрода 'one without relations (family)', безрух 'lack of mobility', 'immobility', безсмак 'lack of taste', безум 'foolishness', 'folly', безвітря 'lack of wind', 'calm (at sea)', безсилля 'weakness', 'impotence', безрукавка 'sleeveless shirt', безумець 'lunatic', 'fool', безумність 'madness'. в-, у- 'in', 'into' (compare the preposition в, у). deverbal: внесок 'insertion', 'deposit', 'agreement', вступ 'section', 'paragraph', вхід 'entrance', вступання 'process of entering', укладання 'process of putting in order', укладач 'arranger', 'composer', устаткування 'installation'.