The verb 205 доношувати Чо wear out', устати -уставати Чо stand up', 4ise' (this process as a whole is structurally close to Type 2); (b) the expansion of the root of a prefixed perfective by the appearance of a vowel not present in the base form: thus imperf. брати - perf. вибрати > new imp. вибирати; (c) the addition of the suffix -ай- to a number of simplex perfectives (usually consonant stems): лягти (Isg. ляжу) - лягати (Isg. лягаю). 4 Pairs in which the perfective is marked by the presence of the suffix -ну-. 5 Pairs differentiated only by the place of stress. 6 Anomalous pairs in which the two members are not formally related Csup- pletion', X:Y). Type 6 involves only a few verbal pairs; in the following sections all six types are described in turn. 6.2.1 TYPE 1: PREFIXATION Of the prefixes that are used in the formation of perfectives, з- (зі-), на-, про-, and especially no- are the ones that can occur solely as markers of the perfective aspect. Others (and indeed these four as well) impart additional lexical meaning to the verbs in question; a full treatment of the semantic component, and of all the prefixes, is provided in 6.5, as the primary purpose of this section is to describe the nature of aspectual pairs. ПО- Imperfective звати дарувати чути кликати нести просити дзвонити обіцяти мити пробувати цілувати Perfective позвати подарувати почути покликати понести попросити подзвонити пообіцяти помити попробувати поцілувати Meaning to call, name to give (as a gift) to feel to call, name to carry to request to phone to promise to wash to try, test to kiss At times the new perfective has to be translated more precisely in order more satisfactorily to express its perfectiveness, for example, the onset of an action; compare the pair любити Чо love' vs. полюбити Чо fall in love'.