The verb 207 Note as a rule, those imperfective verbs which are derived from stem-stressed perfectives will be end-stressed, as they will be when derived from end- stressed perfectives. 6.2.3 TYPE 3: SUFFIXATION AND ROOT ENLARGEMENT Enlarged forms, whether by suffixation or root expansion, are also generated from perfective base forms, as in Type 2. In contrast to that type, however, we find that forms based on end-stressed perfectives will tend to have stress retracted to the stem. Perfective наламати обговорити змішати зміцнити повторити пригріти вибрати послати утопити відірвати почати відпочити Imperfective наламувати обговорювати змішувати зміцнювати повторювати пригрівати вибирати посилати утеплювати відривати починати відпочивати Meaning to break many things to talk over, discuss to mix, blend, to confuse to strengthen, reinforce to repeat (cf. 6.2.2) to warm up to choose, elect to send to drown to pull/tear off to begin to rest Stress immediately precedes the suffix -ува-/-юва-, otherwise it is on -a-. Note that not all -ува-/-юва verbs are new derived imperfectives, thus, працювати Чо work', страйкувати Чо strike' are basic or primary (non- derived) imperfectives. Derived forms are extremely numerous, as this process is productive: i.e. it is a living process used in the formation of new verbs. In a pair of the почати - починати type, the -н- of the imperfective does not represent an addition, but is present in the non-past paradigm of почати (see 6.2.4 TYPE 4: PERFECTIVES IN -ну- This suffix is frequently used to form perfectives indicating a short or momentary action; it is not limited to perfectives, although imperfectives with -ну- are relatively few in number (for example, сохнути Чо grow dry'). Imperfective Perfective Meaning зникати зникнути to disappear кліпати кліпнути to blink, bat one's eyelids достигати достигнути to mature, ripen (also perf. inf. достигти) мигати мигнути to wink, vacillate, glimpse