The verb 209 Where they do form aspectual pairs, there may be a difference in their conjugation. Compare: скликати: скличу, скличеш but скликати: скликаю, скликаєш (compare розкидати - розкидати, which have identical conjugations) The system is characterized by a considerable amount of variation, thus there may be more than one permissible imperfective or perfective with or without a slight change in meaning. Thus: виміряти (perf.), but also вймірити (perf.); виміряти (imperf.), but also the expanded form вимірювати (imperf); cf. Type 3 above. виносити (imperf.) 'to carry out/away', with its basic partner винести (perf), but cf. виносити (perf.) 'to carry out/away, one after another'; the last mentioned also has an expanded partner виношувати (imperf). Compare also the following pairs, in which there is variation in form: the perfectives зустріти - зустрінути 'to meet' can be paired with either зустрічати or зустрівати (the latter is considered less common). In all such instances, whether there is variation in form or in stress, a good dictionary will provide the necessary information. 6.2.6 TYPE 6: SUPPLETION The members of the following pairs are either unrelated to each other, or they merely look unrelated as a result of their historical development; either way, they may look as though they do not belong together. Imperfective Perfective Meaning брати узяти to take займатися* зайнятися* to be occupied with знаходити* знайти* to find, come upon *and all other prefixed pairs involving the roots -йматися/-йнятися and -ХОДИТИ/-ЙТИ. 6.2.7 VERBS OF MOTION: DETERMINATE AND INDETERMINATE One final set of verbs, the verbs of motion, require separate treatment with respect to aspect. These verbs have a further subdivision within the imperfective aspect, known as 'indeterminate' and 'determinate' (sometimes termed 'multidirectional' and 'unidirectional', respectively). The most common verbs belonging to this category are: