210 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Imperfective Indeterminate ходити їздити носити возити водити літати плавати бігати Determinate ітй/йтй їхати нести везти вести летіти пливти бігти Perfective піти поїхати понести повезти повести полетіти попливти побігти Meaning to go (by foot) to go (by vehicle) to carry (by foot) to convey (vehicle) to lead (on foot) to fly to swim to run Note that it is from the determinates that perfectives are formed, without exception by adding the prefix no-, and without a change in the basic meaning of the verb (other than 4o set off '). Perfectives with the same prefix can also be generated from the indeterminates (i.e. походити, поносити, поплавати), but these verbs express the notion of 'walking', 'carrying', 'swimming', and so on, 'for a little while', rather than the purely perfective idea of the onset or completion of an action. As with all other imperfective verbs, both sets of imperfective verbs of motion have a present tense in addition to the past and future, while the perfectives can express only past and future meaning. Note that most of the determinates are consonant-stem verbs, while most of the indeterminates are -и-type verbs (compare their conjugations in and, respectively). When other prefixes are used (those that alter the meaning of the basic verb in addition to its aspect), a new imperfective-perfective pair is formed; thus Imperfective Perfective Meaning приходити прийти to come, arrive переходити перейти to cross (over), go across Note that the place of stress shifts in the new imperfective: ходити but приходити, переходити, and so on. On the use of unprefixed and prefixed verbs of motion see, and compare also the inventory of prefixes in 6.5.1. 6.3 CONJUGATION The sequence of topics discussed below will be (1) the infinitive, (2) the non- past, (3) the past, (4) the future, (5) the imperative, and (6) participles and gerunds.