The verb 213 The latter can be explained structurally as a result of truncation brought on by the following person markers, which are themselves vowels: in essence two vowels coming together cannot be sustained, and the second causes the first to be lost. In stems ending with the consonant 'j', the connector vowel will be realized as the Cyrillic letter c, which expresses the sound sequence [je]; we begin with verbs of this type, which include a large number of basic verbs. Stems in vowel + j INFINITIVES IN -аТИ, -ІТИ, -ЙТИ, -ути: STRESS: STABLE THROUGHOUT читати Чо read' читаю читаєш читає читаємо читаєте читають чути Чо hear' чую чуєш чує чуємо чуєте чують розуміти Чо understand' розумію розумієш розуміє розуміємо розумієте розуміють умити Чо wash' умию умиєш умиє умиємо умиєте умиють умитися Чо wash oneself умиюся умиєшся умиється умиємося умиєтеся умиються Of these verbal types, the 'aj' (читати, читає-) type is the most common; note that the infinitive gives no hint as to the presence of 'j' in its stem. Verbs of the -іти and -йти types are fewer in number, but include such common verbs as: боліти to be ill (болію, and so on, not to be confused with the Conjugation II verb боліти, болить: see жаліти to pity володіти to possess крити to cover, close шити to sew рити to dig Verbs of the чути type are even rarer in Ukrainian. infinitives in -авати, -увати (-ювати): stress: stable throughout Two stem types traditionally treated separately are marked by the presence of a suffix -ва-, preceded by a vowel, in the infinitive but not in the non-past; as their non-past structure is also vowel + j, however, they are treated here: