228 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Perfective future Little needs to be said about the perfective future (the formation has been described in the context of the non-past, 6,3.1), save that it expresses an action to be completed or carried out in its entirety: Сьогодні напишу листа. Today I shall write the letter. Вона прийде о четвертій. She will arrive at 4 (o'clock). Подзвоню до тебе увечері. ГИ phone you this evening. Відповіси на це? Will you give an answer to this? Коли прочитаєш статтю? When will you (finish) read(ing) the article? Imperfective future: analytic and synthetic The two imperfective future formations may be termed 'analytic' and 'synthetic'; the former means that it is formed by using discrete words (much as in English 'I shall + verb X'), while the latter refers to the expression of futurity by the means of an ending ('verb X-ending'). In terms of their formation, both variants of this tense as a whole are straightforward and regular. THE ANALYTIC FUTURE This formation consists of the non-past of бьіть Чо be', which has future meaning, together with the infinitive of the imperfective verb: Буду читати. І shall read. Будеш працювати. You will work. Буде писати. He/she will write. Будемо пити. We will drink. Будете ходити. You will walk. Будуть телефонувати. They will phone. THE SYNTHETIC FUTURE The synthetic future is constructed by means of the imperfective infinitive + personal endings; the endings are: Isg. 2sg 3sg \pL 2pl. 3pl. -му -меш -ме -мемо -мете -муть Thus the future forms, with читати 'to read' and дивитися 'to look at' as our sample verbs, are: Isg. 2sg. 3sg. читатиму читатимеш читатиме дивитимуся дивитимешся дивитиметься