The verb 229 \pl. читатимемо дивитимемося 2pl. читатимете дивитиметеся 3pL читатимуть дивитимуться There is no functional or semantic difference between the two future formations; the synthetic tends to be used less frequently than the analytic, especially in West Ukraine. Note particularly that the verb бути does not have the -му, -меш, and so on, future. 6.3.4 THE IMPERATIVE The imperative is the form of the verb used in giving commands ('Read this!', 'Go home!'); the formation of this category is directly tied to the non-past, in terms of the form as well as of the place of stress. Strictly speaking, truly 'imperative' forms exist only in the 2sg, 2/?/., and \pl\ the \pl (inclusive) corresponds to the English 'Let's (do something)', as it is of course impossible to give oneself a command. The use of the imperative, including \pl constructions involving давайте 'Let's' and 3sg/3pl. constructions with хай/нехай 'Let', is described in The formation of the imperative is dependent on (a) stem-type and (b) the stress pattern of the given verb; in essence, the imperative endings are attached directly to the stem itself, without the connector vowels that are present in the non-past (i.e. -e- or -и-). For some verbal types, as we have seen in the non-past, the identity of the stem cannot be deduced from the infinitive: inf. читати, but stem читай- inf. працювати, but stem працюй- Although it is crucial to know the stem of a given verb, it is the place of stress within a paradigm that plays the deciding role in the choice of endings, regardless of the stem-type: TYPE A: STEMS WITH FINAL STRESS IN THE 1SG. 2sg -й Роби! 'Do! Make!' (Isg. роблю) 2pl. -іть робіть! \pl -ім(о) робім! (робімо!) TYPE В: STEMS WITH STEM STRESS 2sg 2pl. \pl 2sg 2pl \pl -0 -те -MO -0 -те -MO вибач! Excuse! Pardon. (Isg вибачу) вибачте! вибачмо! читай! Read! (Isg читаю) читайте! читаймо!