230 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar TYPE C: STEMS WITH STEM STRESS, ENDING IN A CONSONANT CLUSTER 2sg. 2pl. \pl. -И -1Tb -ім(о) помовчи! Be silent! (hg. помовчу) помовчіть! помовчімо! type d: -ава-verbs 2sg. 2pl. \pl -аваи- -авай-те -авай-мо давай! Give! Let's! (see Note 5 below) давайте! даваймо! Note 1: The endings in Type A will occur with all verbs with stress on the ending in the h&, regardless of whether or not stress shifts to the stem after the \sg.. Note 2: If there is a consonant mutation in the non-past in the \sg. only, then it is the unmutated consonant that appears in the imperative; if the mutation affects the entire non-past, then it is the mutated consonant that appears. Note 3: The \pl ending -імо is frequently encountered (indeed preferred by some informants), and owes its final -o to the influence from the non-past; in verbs that are stem-stressed throughout, however, -o is obligatory: * вибачм would be almost unpronounceable. Note 4: The endings in Type C are identical to those in Type A, except that they are unstressed. Note 5: Type D has the same endings as Type В and looks just like the читай- type; in this group of verbs, however, the suffix -ава-, present in the infinitive and past tense but absent in the non- past, reappears in the imperative. Here is a list of further examples, representative of the stem-types described in 6.3: В нести: вести: пекти: іти: зачати: звати: узяти: брати: писати: платити: носити: ходити: говорити: лежати: терпіти: бігти: умитися: пити: дістати: діти: бути: приходити: неси, несіть, несім/несімо! веди печи іди зачни зви візьми бери пиши плати носи ходи говори лежи терпи біжи умийся, умийтеся, умиймося! пий дістань, дістаньте, дістаньмо дінь будь приходь