Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

232 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
The PrAP. and PAP. essentially express 'who or which is/was X-ing\ or
'X-ed', in which X is the base verb; as the PrAP. refers to the present tense, it
can only be formed from an imperfective verb, while the PAP. can be either
imperfective or perfective depending on the nature of the action.
PRESENT The marker of the old PrAP. is the suffix -уч-(-юч-) or -ач-(-яч-),
formed on the basis of the 3pl. non-past form, Conjugations I and II,
читають - читаючий . . . reading
працюють - працюючий . . . working
ревуть - ревучий . . . roaring
сидять - сидячий (who is) sitting
*терплять - терплячий . . . enduring
лежать - лежачий . .. lying
*Note the place of stress: the expected терплячий has now been reanalysed as
an adjective meaning 'patient'.
PAST The marker of the old PAP. is -л-, the same element present in the
(non-masculine) forms of the past tense:
позеленіл- - позеленілий (which had become) green
змерзл- - змерзлий (which had become) frozen, chilled
застаріл- - застарілий grown old, obsolete
Compare also the rare formation перемігший from перемогти Чо
overpower', reflecting the old East Slavonic PAP. The definitions given above
indicate to what extent the PAP. is now clearly adjectival; as neither it nor the
PrAP. will be used as true participial forms, preference is given to the relative
constructions using який, хто, and the invariable що (see 4.3; as their use is
adjectival and not verbal, there is no need to describe the use of these
particular participles; but compare 6.4.4 on the use of PPP). Note particularly
that participial forms with the suffixes -уший, -ащий (PrAP), -вший (PAP.)
may be encountered now and again, but these forms have appeared under the
influence of Russian and are unlikely to remain in the spoken language,
although they may endure in the written media. Passive participles
The only commonly used participial form - both in written and in spoken
Ukrainian - is the past passive (expressing something/someone 'which was
X-ed'); past passives can be formed from both imperfective and perfective
(transitive) verbs, although perfective formations are more commonly found.
There are two markers of the PPP, depending on which stem-type a given
verb belongs to: -н- for the majority of verbs, -т- for those verbs belonging to
a number of small sets of stems; where needed (i.e. where the structure of the
stem requires it), the suffix -н- is expanded to -єн-, -єн-.

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