The verb 235 Present gerund (verbal adverb) The gerunds are also termed 'verbal adverbs' because they describe or modify action rather than things/people (on the adverbialization of such forms, compare 7.6; on the use of the gerunds, see 6.4.5). They are invariant, and refer to an action, subordinate to the main action, which takes place either before or at the same time as the main action. The 'present' gerund refers to the latter, and therefore can only be formed from an imperfective verb (it is therefore also termed the 'imperfective gerund'). It is formed as follows: (1) 3pl. non-past of an imperfective verb, minus -ть + чи: читаю-(ть) + чи - читаючи while reading (2) If stress is on the ending in the 3pl. non-past then -чи is stressed: живу-(ть) + чи - живучи while living Note the place of stress: verbs stressed on the ending in the non-past will have end-stress in the gerund. (3) In -ся verbs this particle is reduced to -сь: умйю-(ть) + чи + -сь - умйючись while washing oneself Further examples: уставати працювати пити нести плисти іти брати писати просити носити любити говорити служити устаючи while standing up працюючи п'ючи несучи пливучи ідучи беручи пишучи просячи носячи люблячи говорячи служачи . . working . . drinking . . carrying . . swimming . . going (on foot) . . taking . . writing . . requesting . . carrying . . loving . . speaking .. serving IRREGULAR FORMS стояти, стоять but stress: стоячи лежати, лежать but лежачи сидіти, сидять but сидячи And note especially the verb хотіти, хочуть; here the gerund хотячй is not based on the expected 3pl.