236 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Past gerund (verbal adverb) The past gerund expresses 'having done X', therefore it is formed more commonly from perfective verbs than from imperfective ones, although the latter formations do exist. Their formation is even more straightforward than that of the present gerund: Masculine past L4 V О *"\Л ЇЛІЛР tense + -ши (сь) Examples Masculine past написав налив умився випив приніс поплив провів прийшов зблід читав був ішов Past gerund Meaning написавши having written наливши умившись випивши принісши попливши провівши прийшовши зблідши . . poured .. washed oneself .. drunk (up) .. brought .. swum for a bit .. spent (time) .. arrived . . turned pale (-ну- verb) читавши while reading (in the past) бувши being (in the past) ішовши going (in the past) 6.4 THE USE OF THE VERB 6.4.0 AGREEMENT The basic rules for the use of the verb are common to most inflecting languages: the verb must agree in form with the subject of its sentence or clause. For the non-past, this means agreement in person and number, while for the past this means agreement in number and gender: Ольга читає книжку. Я читаю книжку. Діти прочитають книжку. Ми прочитаємо книжку. Ольга читала книжку. Вони прочитали книжку. Ol'ha reads/is reading a/the book. I am reading a/the book. The children will read the book. We will read the book. Ol'ha was reading the book. They read the book. In the following sections we shall describe the grammatical categories relevant to the Ukrainian verb.