The verb 237 6.4.1 THE USE OF THE INFINITIVE The infinitive in Ukrainian is used much as it is in many of the languages of the world, including English; in essence, it is the equivalent of the English 'to + verb' ('to read', 'to understand', and similar). The infinitive as subject of the sentence The most common occurrences of the Ukrainian infinitive in the role of the subject involve: (1) constructions with це 'this is', 'that is' with or without following значить or означає 'this means', expressing a juxtaposition of ideas (the focus of the following clause can be either a noun or another infinitive); and (2) constructions with the instrumental case. In both instances, equivalent English constructions most commonly involve the use of the gerund; the infinitive can stand alone, or it may have an object of its own - in which case the infinitival phrase as a whole acts as a subject. The infinitive does not have to occur at the beginning of the sentence. Thus: Читати- це радість. Reading is pleasure. Читати українську літературу - (це означає) розуміти Україну. Reading Ukrainian literature means (equals) understanding Ukraine. Найвище уміння - почати спочатку життя, розуміння, дорогу, себе. The greatest capability is beginning (the ability to begin) life, understanding, (one's) path, for oneself. (Л. Костенко) Першою думкою в Степана було довідатися, де вони. Stepan's first thought was to find out where they were. (Коцюбинський) Писати листи друзям щомісяця - її давня звичка. Writing letters to her friends every month was her custom from long ago (it was long her custom to ...). Допомагати друзям - це наш обов'язок. It is our duty to help (our) friends. (Helping friends is .. .) Зустріти його було для мене втіхою. Meeting him was a pleasure for me. The infinitive in the predicate The infinitive can have a variety of functions in the predicate. As a direct object, as in the case of subjectival constructions, the verb is in a sense nom- inalized (4he act of X'), appearing in place of a noun: