242 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Ми залишилися позаду. vs. Я залишив листа на столі. Стілець зламався. vs. Хлопець зламав стілець. We lagged (stayed) behind. I left the letter (caused it to stay) on the table. The stool/seat broke. The boy broke the stool/seat. Similarly: to be different - to make different to move to another place - to remove, make settle in another place to return, go back - to return (something) to get dry - to dry (something) to come to an end - to finish, end to begin - to begin (something) Many other -ся verbs may be treated as simple intransitives, as they will not have semantically satisfactory partners without -ся (in other words, corresponding verbs without this particle do not simply mean 'doing X to another'). Thus: різнитися - різнити переселитися - переселити повернутися - повернути сушитися - сушити скінчитися - скінчити початися - почати Ми дізналися, як туди добратися. But: дізнати добрати Compare also: We found out how to get there. to investigate, explore to make up for, supplement наїдатися but наїдати договоритися but договорити простудитися but простудити удаватися but удавати проспатися but проспати to eat one's fill, too much to eat a certain quantity to come to an agreement to finish speaking to catch a cold, to be cooled/frozen through to cool, make cold (not *to give someone a cold!) to succeed in to pretend, feign, simulate to wake up, to have a good sleep to miss by oversleeping, to sleep for some time