258 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Детектив натрапив на злочинця на вулиці, обвинувачувати кого у/в + Іос. Його обвинувачували в цьому злочині, попрощатися з + instr. Ми попрощалися з нашими новими друзями, познайомитися з + instr. В Києві ми познайомилися з українськими журналістами, телефонувати, дзвонити до + gen. Ти дзвонила до батька? виглядати на + асе. Та дівчина виглядає на 25 років, залежати від + gen. Економічний розвиток залежить від багатьох факторів. (по)возйтися з + instr. Не варто з ним возитися. (по)вірити у + асе. Хто з вас вірить у Бога? (з)робйтися з + instr. Що з ним зробилося? The detective happened upon the criminal on the street, 'accuse someone of something' He was accused of this crime. 'say goodbye to' We said goodbye to our new friends. 'become acquainted with' In Kyiv we became acquainted with Ukrainian journalists, 'phone', 'call' Did you phone father? 'look like' (+ noun) That girl looks like (she's) twenty-five, 'depend on' Economic growth depends on many factors, 'pay too much attention to' It's not worth making too much of him. 'believe in' Who of you believes in God? 'happen to (a person)' What happened to him? 6.5 VERBAL WORD FORMATION In contrast to substantival word formation, verbal word formation is primarily prefixal in nature; suffixation is limited to the derivation of new imper- fectives - and the number of suffixes is also limited. This is in stark contrast to substantival suffixation, which is extremely rich in its suffixal inventory. In the following sections we examine various prefixal formations (suffixation is treated in 6.2.3 as a function of the construction of new aspectual pairs, i.e. of imperfective derivation), as well as other word-formational phenomena. 6.5.1 PREFIXATION The following is a complete list of Ukrainian verbal prefixes, together with their general meanings and examples; as in the description of substantival word formation, obviously foreign (such as Latin) prefixes are omitted. In many cases (especially shorter verbs) what was historically a prefix is no longer separable or perceived as a prefix; thus, verbs like спасти 'save',