The verb 259 'preserve' will not be cited here. Where a given prefix will tend to require the presence of a particular preposition, the preposition will be provided. The reader will note that many prefixes can express the same basic meaning; the use of one prefix over another (for example, for the expression of 'inception of an action') will therefore often be a function of the verb with which it occurs. In the examples which follow, only one member of the aspectual pair is given; a prefixed verb can be either imperfective or perfective, but the imperfective member will usually be a derived (i.e. suffixed) form, as described in 6.2.3. Many verbs can occur with a number of different prefixes, with no change in meaning; this feature - like multiple prefixation ( is characteristic of the richness of the language. Prefix в-/у- (+ в/у) see y- below ви- (+ з) ВІД-, ВІДІ-, відо- ДО-, ДІ- (+ ДО) Meaning in, into (motion) out of completion of an action motion away from completion, ending of an action (sometimes negative) complete an action in response, a reverse action 01 reach, attain, get to bring an action to its end do more than required Examples вбігти ВХОДИТИ виходити винести вибити вибирати вибілити виголосити відійти віддалити відколоти відірвати відгуляти відцвісти відсидіти віддавати віддячити відімстити ". ВІДОМСТИТИ дійти доїхати дописати доварити доплатити докупити Meaning run into enter, walk into go out, exit carry out beat, knock out select have made white have declared go away from remove, dismiss cleave, chop off tear off finish dancing finish blooming, wither sit out, for a certain time (e.g. кару sentence) give back be thankful, repay with gratitude avenge (oneself on) reach (on foot) reach (vehicle) finish writing cook sufficiently pay extra buy more (also: finish buying)