The adverb and adverbial constructions 275 7.2.3 INDEFINITES Forms containing the elements -сь, -будь-, -небудь are structurally and semantically the same as the corresponding indefinite pronouns, in which these elements express 'some-' and 'any-' (compare the indefinite pronouns in 4.5.2). десь somewhere (secondary meaning: probably, likely) десь інде somewhere else десь-не-десь somewhere or other де-небудь anywhere, somewhere будь-де everywhere, wherever . . . де-не-де, де-де here and there кудись to somewhere куди-небудь to anywhere подекуди here and there, somewhere (secondary meaning: partly, somewhat) 7.2.4 NEGATIVES Negative adverbs are marked by the addition of the prefix ні- to the positive adverb; note the retraction of stress in the second example, viz. куди нікуди. ніде нікуди нізвідки, нізвідкіль, нізвідкіля, нівідкіль Ніде Нікуди нівідкіль nowhere (motion) to nowhere, to no place from nowhere There is nowhere (to do X). There is nowhere to go. there is no place from which .. . The place of stress is crucial in these forms, as initial stress upon the negative prefix adds the notion of a 'lack' of something to the base adverb (compare also 7.3.4). 7.3 ADVERBS OF TIME AND TIME EXPRESSIONS Adverbs and adverbial constructions indicating the time frame in which an action takes place are termed 'adverbs of time'. Note below the large number of derived formations (both compounds and diminutive, expressive forms), as is the case with adverbs of location.