The adverb and adverbial constructions 283 краще найкраще раніше скоріше найскоріше гірше, згірше більше-менше найдальше наймерзенніше холодніше ясніше міцніше щонайсильніше якнайшвидше якнайкраще better best earlier, former more quickly most quickly worse more or less farthest most despicably colder, more coldly more clearly more strongly, more firmly in the strongest way possible with the greatest speed possible in the best way possible Forms based on comparatives or superlatives with the formant -іше can occur without final -e, although the full form is preferred with most adjectives; compare: частіш more often згірш worse скоріш more quickly раніш earlier, former більш-менш more or less 7.8 ADVERBIAL MODAL CONSTRUCTIONS (NECESSITY, OBLIGATION, POSSIBILITY) A number of crucial forms that can be described as adverbial in nature have to do with expressing the need, obligation, or possibility of carrying out an action. These forms (few in number but central to the language) are used in impersonal constructions, as described in 7.1; in other words, they are used without a subject, but when the person involved is present in the sentence, that form will occur in the dative case. The words are: Треба. One must; it is necessary. Потрібно. It is necessary. Слід. One must, ought; it is necessary, worth ... Необхідно. It is absolutely necessary. Можна. One can, may. He можна. One cannot, may not. Можливо. It is possible (physically); (secondary meaning: perhaps, possibly). Неможливо. It is impossible (physically).