Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

284 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Нам треба (потрібно) негайно відповісти на його запитання.
We must answer his question immediately.
Студентам слід записувати все, що говорить викладач.
Students are supposed to (must) write down everything the lecturer says.
Слухай, необхідно (тобі) повідомити поліцейського про цей випадок.
Listen, it is absolutely necessary (for you) to inform the policeman about
this accident.
Вибачте, чи можна тут курити? На жаль, не можна.
Excuse me, is one allowed to smoke here? Unfortunately it's not allowed.
Чи можна мені піти додому до кінця лекції?
May I go home before the end of the lecture?
Можливо, (що) піде дощ.
It is possible that it will rain (perhaps it will rain).
Неможливо відчинити двері.
It is impossible to open the door (it's stuck, locked,...).
To express obligation it is also possible to use the adjectival form повинен
(masc), повинна (fern.), повинні (/?/.) with the person in the nominative:
Я повинен (був), вона повинна (була), вони повинні (були) це зробити.
І, she, they ought to do (to have done) this.
See also on expressions of this kind involving verbs (especially in
conjunction with the infinitive).
A few remaining interrogative adverbs do not fit easily into the categories
described above; they are:
чому, чого, пощо? why?
навіщо? what for?
Хіба? .. . really? Is it the case that...? (not in questions:
unless, except)
Невже? Is it possible that...? indeed?
чи? interrogative particle: whether
The last three listed might also be described as interrogative particles rather
than as adverbs; compare Chapter 8 on the use of some of these forms as

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