The adverb and adverbial constructions 285 Note particularly that чи has two functions: as a conjunction it can express 'or'; as an adverbial form it introduces a question, as in Чи можна мені піти ... in 7.8. In one and the same sentence, unless it is a clear case of 'either .. . or ...', the first чи introduces a question while the second is the conjunction or in tag questions: He знаю, чи він буде вдома/дома сьогодні. І don't know if (whether or not) he will be home today. Чи будеш працювати завтра, чи ні? Are you going to work tomorrow, or not (lit. 'no')? 'YES', 4NO\ 'NOT' так yes НІ ПО не not Note particularly that the adverbial ні 'no' should not be confused with the conjunction meaning 'neither . . . nor' (compare Chapter 8). As the last example cited above shows, care must be taken when translating ні, as it is better translated as 'not' in some contexts.