The conjunction 289 The pairs may be repetitions, for example, і..., і... both . .., and ... то ..., то ... now ..., now .. . або ..., або ... either ..., or .. . чи ..., чи ... either ..., or ... 8-1 USING CONJUNCTIONS Essentially, the elements are simply linked, though we have the opportunity to see something more interesting in the relative clause.12 From the point of view of the written language, a major consideration can be punctuation. In publications there will be varied practices. In the simple sentence one uses the comma to link more than two elements and to link elements connected by repeated or paired conjunctions. In the composite sentence, a comma is the strict rule. An acceptable single rule is that, if the subordinate clause comes after the main clause, then the comma comes before the subordinating conjunction (including when it is composite); alternatively, where the subordinator is composite, the comma may precede the final component, namely що, щоб(и), як. If the composited conjunction is particularly 'large', it may even be recommended to precede both the final component and the entire conjunction by commas, as in: Він має рацію, незважаючи на те, що вона не згодна з ним. He's right, in spite of the fact that she doesn't agree with him. Our main aim here is to give a few examples. We also occasionally give quite long sentences, simply to provide more data, even if we do not actually comment on it. 8.1.1 CONCATENATION Coordination and subordination may be achieved simply by concatenating phrases and clauses, usually with the meaning, context, and intonation indicating the relations. A subordinate clause may have a gerund as verbal core. Here are a few examples: Там сиділи мама, батько, діти. Mother, father, (and) the children were sitting there. Вона підійшла до мене, вона хотіла порозмовляти зі мною. She came up to me, (because?) she wanted to have a chat with me. Я взяв підручник, вийшов з помешкання, пішов до університету. І took my textbook, went out of the flat, (and?) set off to the university. Вони залюбки поїхали до Львова, проведуть там усього п'ять днів. They eagerly set off to L'viv, (but?) will spend only five days there.