The conjunction 295 Чи ти знаєш ту людину, чиєю ручкою я пишу? Do you know the person whose pen I am writing with? (or better, in a relative clause, as here: якої ручкою lit. 'with the pen of whom' for чиєю ручкою) Вона пояснила мені, чому вона хотіла відпочити в Криму. She told me why she wanted to take a break in the Crimea. Я не можу не питати, де Ви живете. І can't help asking where you live. Я не міг не питати, де вона раніше жила. І couldn't help asking where she used to live. He можна не питати, звідки вони сьогодні приїхали. One can't but ask where they travelled from today. Я хотіла питати, як довго Ти будеш у нас. І wanted to ask how long you would be with us. Скажіть, скільки часу будете в крамниці. Tell me how long you'll be at the store. and so on, or тощо as one so often sees after a list in Ukrainian. Adjectival or relative clauses: який, що First, the relative який declines as an adjective and agrees in gender and number with the noun phrase to which it refers and takes the case required by the syntax of its own, relative, clause: Чи Ви знаєте дівчину, з якою вони розмовляли. Do you know the girl they were talking with? (Якою is feminine and singular because it refers to the feminine singular noun дівчину, but is instrumental rather than the accusative дівчину because it is governed by the preposition з 'with', which requires the instrumental.) Чи ти бачиш того хлопця, який дві години тому стояв біля церкви? Can you see that boy, who a couple of hours ago was standing near the church? (Який is masculine and singular, because of хлопця, but nominative because it is the subject of стояв.) Ось там той літній чоловік, якого дружина недавно відійшла. There's that elderly man whose wife passed away recently. (Here який goes into the genitive to convey 'whose', and is masculine and singular because it refers to літній чоловік.)