Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

296 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Now for some examples of що, which itself never changes:
Ідемо гірським хребтом, що зветься Чорногорці, а що його найвищою
горою є Говерля.
We walk along a mountain ridge which is called Chornohora and whose
highest point is Hoverlja. (MT: 52)
This sentence illustrates the two cardinal uses of relative що, first, that it can
be used to translate 'who', 'which' as subject - nominative case, any gender,
either number - of the relative clause (as in що зветься), and, second, that it
takes the appropriate form of the third-person pronoun after it to convey
whatever other form - case, number, gender - might be needed; in other
words, we could have якого here as the alternative to що його.
Some more examples:
Річка Полтва, що випливає з ліску (...) на межі Львова, перепливає
через ціле місто, але зверху вона замурована.
The river Poltva, which flows out from a little wood on the edge of L'viv,
flows through the whole city, but is built over. (MT: 58)
(Here що is used for a nominative singular feminine.)
Зразу же їдемо на так званий Високий Замок, - це гора, що на ній
стояв колись княжий замок.
And first we drive to what is known as the 'High Castle' - the hill on which
the royal castle once stood. (MT: 58).
(На ній reflects the gender of the referent, гора, and the prepositional
phrase required in the relative clause.)
Third, one may refer to котрий, which declines exactly as який, i.e. as an
adjective, but which is rarely encountered these days in relative clauses. One
might just be tempted to use it where the emphasis is on identifying a
particular entity (rather than a more general or qualitative identification), or in a
Ukrainian heavily influenced by Russian. Thus, to illustrate the former:
З усіх, що там були, ось той, котрий мені більше подобається.
Of all who were there, there's the one whom I most like.
Це третій, котрого я б вибрав.
It's the third one whom I would choose.
And even there який might seem better, particularly in the first. Perhaps one
might hypothesize that котрий would be used as a relative in environments
where one would expect it as an interrogative, as in Вже та година, о котрій
батьки мають приїхати 'It's already the hour at which my parents are due to
arrive' (= Котра година? 'What's the time?', О котрій? 'At what time?'), and
linking to the last example above, Котрий з них? 'Which of them?'

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