Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

The conjunction 301
It is worth interjecting here that щоб on its own is an extremely widely used
conjunction and does not have to be purposive. We note, for example:
Дівчата співали так, щоб було чути на протилежному березі річки.
The girls were singing in such a way that they could be heard on the other
side of the river' (= manner) (Dudyk and Horpynyc 1988 (2): 145)
Я бажаю, щоб ти провела літо в Харкові.
І want you to spend the summer in Kharkiv.
The last example corresponds neatly to constructs where a subjunctive would
be used in some other European languages, i.e after main verbs of 'wishing',
'asking', 'advising', 'permitting', 'allowing', 'fearing', where the subjects are
different (note that the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the past
tense), for example:
Я хочу/прошу/раджу/наказую/кажу/дозволяю, щоб ти прийшов.
І want/request/advise/order/tell/permit you to come.
Він боїться, щоб вона не прийшла.
Не is afraid she might come, (pleonastic negative)
For the last one may also have якби here instead of щоб. Note the less
strong, and slightly different Він боїться, що вона не прийде 'He's afraid she
won't come', and Він боїться, що вона прийде 'He's afraid she'll come.'
для того щоб 'in order that'
Наталка послала сина до Полтави для того, щоб він провів тиждень у
Natalka sent her son to Poltava so that he might spend a week with his
Наталка послала сина до Полтави для того, щоб провести тиждень
сама вдома.
Natalka sent her son to Poltava so she could spend a week at home on her
аби 'in order that', 'so that'
Я б оддав половину життя свого, аби ти була щаслива.
І would give up half of my life so that you might be happy. (P. Myrnyj,
quoted in Syn: 327, note that оддав would now normally be віддав.)
One may, of course, adapt the above sentence by having identical
Я б віддав половину життя свого, аби бути щасливим.
І would give up half of my life so as to be happy.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.