20 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar ' апостроф apostrophe (usually to separate a consonant, which then remains hard, from a following [j]). It can also be useful to be able to transliterate the Ukrainian alphabet, that is to write out Cyrillic using Latin letters. A standard transliteration remains to be decided upon. Here we give a simplified 'non-linguistic' system, in the order of the letters of the alphabet (the final element in parentheses is the Cyrillic equivalent; if there is more than one element in parentheses, the first represents alternative transliterations of the letter concerned). a (a) g(r) zh (z) (ж) ї(Іі,УІ+)(ї) т(м) r(p) f(4>) sh (s) (ш) ia (ja, yaf) (я) b(6) <і(д) Z(3) і(І,У)(й) п(н) s(c) kh (x, ch) (x) shch (sc) (щ) '0 V(B) e(e) У(и) k(K) 0(0) t(T) ts (c) (ц) '*(ь) h(r) ie (je, ye*) (c) i(0 1(л) P(n) u(y) ch (с)(ч) iu (ju, yu*) (10 f = ye, yi, yu, ya, if used, are restricted to the very beginning of a word or following a vowel word-internally. * = may be omitted (it most often is, in titles and bibliographies). Although they are not separate letters of the alphabet, in that they do not have their own sections in dictionaries, the combinations дж, дз, and дзь (including дзю, дзя) are toJ>e pronounced as one sound each, namely [d3], [dz], and [<©]: Ходжу [xod3'uJ[<I walk', джинси [d3'msi] 'jeans', дзеркало [dz'erkab] 'mirror', дзвоник [d3v'onik] 'little bell', and дзьоб [dzhb] 'beak'. Sometimes they do represent two sounds, namely at morpheme juncture, and are pronounced as respective sequences of [d] + [3], [z], [z*]: підживати 'to be refreshed', віджйлий 'obsolete', підземний 'underground', підзирати 'to observe secretly'. Note 1\ There are not many words in Ukrainian with ґ [д], and in some publications (especially older, Soviet-era ones) the letter r will still be found to cover both [h] and [g]. In the following words we have [g]: ґанок balcony ґрати grating (compare грати Чо play') ґава crow аґрусівка gooseberry brandy ґудзик button ґедзь gadfly Note 2: The sound [ti] is almost always soft when word- and syllable-final: карбованець 'rouble', and in suffixes, for example, -цьк-, -ець, -ць: турецький Turkish американець American робітниць of the workwomen