26 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar [si] ш [ti] [tsi] WL [Milk] M [zi] [3] [di] [<©] №] [3d3] [g] [h] = = = = = rr = = Cb Ш ц ць 4 Щ K X 3b ж дз ДЗЬ ДЖ ждж Ґ г Those given with a final soft sign stand for palatalized consonants preceding either a soft sign or one of the vowels я, ю, і, с in the spelling. Note that at the very end of a word and syllable voiced consonants remain voiced in Ukrainian, as in English but different from such languages as German and Russian. A few examples: швидше [JVidJe] more quickly їжте [j'i3ts] eat розталь [r'DztaP] thaw (weather) швидко [JP'idko] quickly ніж [п>'із] knife рибка [r'ibka] little fish казка [k'azka] tale - каска [k'aska] helmet залюбки [zal-iubk'i] with pleasure мед [m'sd] honey скрізь [skr'izJ] everywhere, always Note that in a sequence of voiceless + voiced consonant, assimilation does take place, and is not reflected in the spelling: вокзал [vogz'al] railway station молотьба threshing [mabdJb'a] якби [jagb'i^if анекдот anecdote [anegd'ot] хоч би [x'Dd3bi] no matter what The consonants [n], [m], [1], [r] are voiced but do not participate in this correlation; in other words, a voiceless consonant in front of any of them remains voiceless, for example: при [рп] beside, near (not *[bn]) Before voiceless consonants the only voiced consonants to devoice are [z] (when in a prefix) and [h] in the middle of a word. Thus: розписати to distribute (writing) розсипати to strew, scatter (perf.) безплановий without a plan безплатний free (of charge) вогко damp нігті nails (on fingers) кігті claws but легкий 'easy' may have both [x] and [h], and могти 'to be able' and лягти 'to lie down' have [h].