Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

Sounds and spelling 27
Before voiced consonants, voiceless consonants are voiced:
просьба request боротьба struggle
молотьба threshing клятьба curse
Note too that the prefix з- may be fixed in the spelling and pronunciation as c-
[s] before some voiceless consonants, namely к, п, т, х, ф:
сходити, but with its perfective зійти to rise, descend
спитати to enquire збити to fasten
схопити to seize згоріти to burn/be burnt
сфотографувати to photograph звести to lead down, mislead
With the prefixes роз-, без-, від- (од-), над-, під-, об-, між-, перед-, воз-,
понад-, пред-, через- the voiced character of the final consonant is retained
(and conveyed in the spelling):
розколоти to split безперечний incontestible
відпустити to let go підбігти to run up to The consonant [p/v]
At the beginning of a word before a consonant, in the middle of a word after
a vowel before a consonant, and at the end of a word after a vowel the
consonant [p/v] is pronounced as a sound intermediate between [v] and [u] (it
is sometimes asserted that it is a straight labio-dental when soft before [i], for
example, as in він [v^in] 'he'). The lips may be round and protrude, i.e. it is
bilabial, or we have the lower lip behind the upper teeth. At the end of a word
we should not have [f] for this sound, though one cannot but admit that it is
heard. In other words, [w] is prescribed:
сказав said (masc.) любов love
зробив did (masc.) впевнений assured, made certain
повний full
The hard/soft pairs which we find in Ukrainian are as follows (first those
which are accepted as phonemic, second those which are rather restricted, on
the whole to the position before і [і], where they tend, even then, to be
minimally palatalized, and are thus peripherally phonemic):
[ts] [d3] - W
- w
- M
- [*]
- №
- [<#]
T д c 3 ц дз Tb

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.