The noun 51 in the case of the masculines, there are a few basic nouns that fall into this category, such that their acquisition and assimilation will be accomplished with little extra effort on the part of the learner: Бретань дань лінь осінь смерть суть сіль тінь Brittany tribute (also: данина) laziness Autumn death being; essence salt shadow, shade Personal names ending in a consonant All but an extremely small number of personal names ending in a consonant, whether hard or soft, are masculine and refer to male beings: Георгій Ігор Іван Василь Exceptions are few, for example, Есфір 'Esther', and are of foreign origin; a few are no longer used or are considered archaic and rare, such as Юдіф 'Judith'. 2.1.2 NOUNS ENDING IN A VOWEL: -а/я The marker -а/-я is essentially feminine Most non-abstract nouns with the final vowels -a or -я are feminine, and many of these will be naturally feminine: вівчарка дочка дошка дівчина жінка земля картопля машина нога рука сестра сторона shepherdess daughter board, plank girl woman, wife land potato; potatoes (collective) car, machine foot, leg hand, arm sister side