54 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar дитинча гусеня каченя лисеня лоша маля порося теля ведмежа infant (but дитина is feminine) gosling, young goose duckling young fox colt small child piglet, suckling pig calf bear cub In addition to their meaning, another hint is offered by the place of stress: all of the above forms are stressed on the final -a or я. Personal names ending in -а/-я The vast majority of personal names - first, patronymic, family - ending in -a or -я are feminine. There are two sets of names that look feminine but are in reality masculine, however. The first consists of masculine (non-diminutive) first names; three of the most common names for males are: Олекса Oleksa Микола Mykola Микита Mykyta When referring to people bearing these names, masculine forms will be used (pronouns, adjectives, verbs). The second consists of diminutive forms of otherwise clearly masculine names: Василь - Вася Basil - Basil (dim.) Георгій - Жора George - George (dim.) Євген - Женя Eugene - Gene Many other masculine diminutives exist, many of which will end in -o (see below) or a consonant. Indeclinable nouns ending in -a The vast majority of nouns ending in -a (see above) are declinable. The few indeclinable forms encountered are borrowings from French: амплуа (neuter) repertoire of roles (theatrical term) па-де-труа (masculine) pas de trois (ballet term)