The noun 55 2.1.3 NOUNS ENDING IN A VOWEL: -o/-e Most nouns in -ol-e are neuter As a rule, all nouns whose final vowel is -o or -e are neuter; the exceptions to this rule are foreign borrowings, which may or may not be neuter. The following is a representative list of regular neuter nouns: вікно window коліно knee місце place місто city печиво baking, pastry плече shoulder (Note particularly that this is neuter in SUM but masculine in the older UAS.) поле field право law рабство slavery слово word тепло warmth явище phenomenon Non-neuter native Ukrainian nouns ending in ol-e A significant number of non-neuter nouns is found with final -o, more rarely with -e. Among the former are counted some very common masculine words denoting people, including proper names and many diminutive forms: батько батечко батенько дядько дядечко Валько Ванько Васько Василько Данило Дмитро Павло Петро Самійло Санько father father (dim.) father (dim.) uncle uncle (dim.) Валентин (dim.) Іван (dim.) Василь (dim.) Василь (dim.) Daniel Dimitri Paul Peter Samuel Олександр (dim.) I