56 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar A number of expressive nouns, primarily used in colloquial speech, can be either masculine or feminine, depending on the referent; some sources (such as UAS) may identify some of the following as 'masculine' only, but in practice both genders can be indicated: базікало babbler вайло sluggard, lazybones ледащо lazy person, layabout мурло coarse, rude person убоїще stubborn person Some derivatives referring to animate beings, on the other hand, can be neuter and masculine, or neuter and feminine: хлопчисько boy, big boy (masculine and neuter) бабище big (old) woman (feminine and neuter) Compare the following derivatives, which are considered to be neuter only: дівчисько big (hefty) little girl рибйсько big fish Borrowings ending in -o/-e Foreign borrowings ending in -o/-e are readily recognizable as non- Ukrainian and do not decline (see 23.4 below); as a general rule, nouns denoting objects will be neuter, while those denoting people will be common gender (masculine or feminine). See 2.1.4 on feminine-only substantives. Neuters: кашне scarf, muffler пюре puree сабо shoes with wooden soles (France, Belgium) соте sautee фрикасе fricassee Masculines (denoting animals): динго dingo фламінго flamingo шимпанзе chimpanzee Common gender: протеже protege інкогніто incognito рантьє rentier, one living on a private income конферансьє commentator