80 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar А. штани З. І. штанами, штаньми, штанями О. L. штанах М. (В) A special declensional type exists for the naming of 'masculine denizens of place X' (often referring to nationality); the properties of this type are dictated by the presence of the suffix -аііин, -янин in the singular, as in росіянин 'a Russian': N. G. D. A. I. L. V. Singular - Однина росіянин росіянина росіянинові, росіянина росіянином росіянинові росіянине! -у Plural - Множина росіяни росіян росіянам росіян росіянами росіянах = К н. р. д. 3. о. м. Кл. Датчанин 'a Dane', городянин 'townsman', 'inhabitant of a town' and all other nouns of this type will decline in exactly the same way. The declension of these forms in the plural in particular must be noted, as the element -ин is lost throughout; note also that stress is stable. 2.3.3 DECLENSION OF NEUTER NOUNS The majority of case endings for neuter nouns will be exactly the same as those occurring with the masculines (whether hard, soft, or mixed stems). Contrary to the N.sg. marker par excellence among masculines (a consonant), the N.sg. ending of neuter nouns is always a vowel, usually -o or -e; a significant number have the final vowel -я (and, as will be seen, are easily recognizable as neuters), while irregular forms exist as well. The major differences between neuters and masculines are: (i) A. always = N. and (ii) there is no separate vocative form, thus V. = N. Variation and competition between two or more identical case endings - on the scale of what occurs among masculines - is unknown; in those instances when a given case can be expressed by two possible endings, this (with the exception of a very small number of nouns) will be limited to the l.pl. Stress patterns among neuter nouns are very much like those of the femi- nines, hard as well as soft stems. Neuter nouns: hard stems The following may be considered to represent the quintessential neuter hard- stem paradigm. Note the following points: there is no separate vocative ending in the neuter gender - singular or plural - and it is therefore not included